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ART 211


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has an in-depth understanding of content-area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based on interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.
DESCRIPTION: This is an example of the studio assignment for my memory-based unit that I wrote and taught at Normal Community West High School, along with the artist statement. 
RATIONALE: The artwork is well crafted and shows skill and understanding of the medium. The artwork's central concept is showcased in the artwork as well as explained thoroughly within the artist's statement. The artist's statement goes in-depth and highlights the expressive qualities and design elements in relation to the central concept and additional ideas. 

Artist Statement:


IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.
Description: For my unit, I chose to focus on a big idea and allow for student freedom and choice. I centered my unit around the idea of "memories" and how they relate to our personal identities. The unit consisted of a final project in which students were to create a finalized art piece to showcase a memory of theirs. In addition, students wrote an artist statement about their work and the memory attached to it. Before beginning their projects, students were introduced to two key artists who create artwork inspired by their own memories. As a class, we discussed and analyzed their artworks and the meanings behind them.
Rationale:  By introducing two key artists who create meaningful artworks, I wanted to inspire students and show them that art and design can be used to capture moments and memories. I intended for students to create a meaningful piece of work that makes a statement about an important memory of theirs. 

IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.
Description: Based on the objectives of the unit, I assessed students' ability when it came to analyzing and thinking critically about artworks, as well as their ability to use create their own piece of work inspired by the key artists. For formative assessments,  during the class discussions about the key artists, I was able to assess the students' understanding of the content and how to make observations and inferences about artwork through their responses and what they had to say. In addition, while students created their artwork, I walked around the room and individually discussed with each student their artwork. I asked questions in order to assess their understanding of the project and it's prompt. For a summative assessment, students turned in their finalized art piece, as well as a written artist statement where they briefly answered questions about their artwork, the meaning behind it, and the medium they used. 
Rationale:  I wanted to use formative assessment to assess students on their understanding throughout the lessons, especially towards the beginning of the unit. This was so that I could give students aid and clarification early on if needed. I wanted to be there for the students during the process and ensure they were on the right track. The summative assessment was on the very last day of the unit and it was right when students had finished up their work. This felt like the appropriate time to assess their overall understanding of the unit and have them write their artist statement to sum it all up. 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.
Description: This is my artist handout on my key artist Raelis Vasquez. The handout covers critical information on Vasquez and his artwork, websites for further information, questions, vocabulary, and ideas/suggestions for further art making. My Powerpoint is also added to showcase how I delivered my information to the class and directed the class discussions with prompts. 
Rationale: The questions included on my handout and Powerpoint address each of the four conceptual frameworks: subjective, focal, structural, and cultural. They prompt students to think critically about the artists and their artwork in relation to big ideas such as identity. 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.
1. Description: For my first PAL 1, I attended the ceramics sale that the ceramics students at ISU were holding. I was in Ceramics 1 this semester so while I didn't get to participate in the sale, I did get to make my own pieces throughout the semester. Knowing the difficulties that come with ceramics allowed me to really appreciate all the student's hard work they put in. 
1. Rationale: In attending the ceramics sale, I was able to support and advocate for my fellow art students, as well as see inspiring works in a medium that I am just getting started in. 
2.  Description: For my second PAL 1, I attended University Galleries in Uptown Normal and viewed the Student Annual showcasing. I got to see various ISU Art student's work, including many students I knew. I really enjoyed attending and found works to be very inspiring. I personally like to paint portraits, so seeing other students portraits was very beneficial to me. 
1. Rationale: In attending the student annual art exhibit,  I was able to support and advocate for my fellow art students. I took pictures of some of the name tags so I could remember the students names because their work was impactful on me. 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.
1. Description: For my first PAL 2, I promoted myself as an artist on Instagram and did a commissioned piece for somebody who reached out to me. Somebody who found and followed my Instagram asked me if I could do a piece for her inspired by the woman in Christian Schad's piece from 1927 titled "Self-Portrait"
1. Rationale: Through posting my work on a public Instagram account, I displayed leadership and in doing so, was able to exhibit professionalism by completing and sending out a commissioned piece.

2.  Description: For my second PAL 2, I attended Illinois Art Station and volunteered to help out a Friday morning art class. The class was for homeschooled students and they ranged in age from 9 to 15 years old. I helped students out while they completed their projects. 
1. Rationale: By volunteering at IAS for a class, I took leadership and sought out experience more experience to help me in my professional career. 

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