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ART 211


IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has an in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers create meaningful learning experiences for each student based on interactions among content areas and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher works as a team with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members.


For three weeks, with a group of 4 other students, I taught a unit to a class of 12-second graders. We developed and designed a unit plan surrounding the ideas of abstract expressionism through the use of colors, as well as ceramics and, specifically, pinch pots. The unit consisted of 4 artists for students to learn about, two of whom create ceramic work, and 2 who create abstract paintings. The artists, along with the various activities we planned, were used to help students make connections between colors and emotions. Students created and then glazed their own pinch pots. When glazing, students were prompted to use colors that represent an emotion of their choosing. This meant each student could explain why their finalized pinch pot connected to and represented the emotion they chose. Included above are the unit plan I co-wrote, the artist handouts about our unit's artists, the PowerPoint we presented to our students, and the pinch pot I created as an example for students. 
In this lesson, students were introduced to the concepts of abstract expressionism, using colors to express emotions, as well as ceramics and pinch pots. Students learned about and analyzed the artworks of various diverse artists. They were also able to build skills using clay through the making and glazing of their own pinch pots. As a group, my partners and I displayed an in-depth understanding of the content by creating and planning a thorough unit plan and artist handouts. Throughout our class, we spent a lot of time working with individuals and in small groups to build connections with our students and encourage them to create art that is meaningful to them. As a group, we worked and taught together really well. We had open communication and split up our work and teaching equally. I feel as though our second-grade class went successfully. 


DESCRIPTION: For the last two weeks of Saturday Art Classes, my group and I taught a lesson on weaving to a group of 5 sixth graders. We chose two artists who work in textiles, and within our unit, we included a brief history of weaving, and specifically, its connections to women and feminism. In addition, we connected our unit to environmentalism and sustainability by discussing the use of recycled materials and giving items a second life. We then taught students. how to make a homemade loom using a piece of cardboard. We then gave students the instruction and materials to weave a mini tapestry. We included an abundance of materials, including yarn, beads, and fabric for students to choose to include in their pieces. Included above are our unit plan, artist handouts, the PowerPoint we presented to students, as well as two tapestries I made of my own. 

In this unit, students were given the information, inspiration, and materials necessary for them to successfully create a woven tapestry that is sustainable. Students learned about and analyzed two artists and their work, with aided in our introduction to textile and woven art. The idea of environmentalism is present within our unit through the usage of recycled materials. My group and I displayed an in-depth understanding of the content through the creation of a thorough and informational unit plan that guided students through a meaningful learning experience. Our group was very successful in planning and executing our sixth-grade unit, and our students enjoyed themselves. 


IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive.
7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.

My co-teachers and I designed posters for both of our lessons. These posters included content from our lesson and were on display during class time so students had easy access to the information. In addition, we kept our classroom and materials organized and easily accessible to students. 

My group and I worked to ensure our classroom was a safe and comfortable place to be. Giving our students an enjoyable and valuable learning experience was our priority when planning and designing our classroom, as well as when we taught our lessons. We worked to build meaningful and respectful relationships with our students. To aid in our students learning, we designed learning aids and organized our classroom and the materials available. 

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

DESCRIPTION: For my first Pal 1, I read the book Steal Like an Artist, 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon. The book is about how gaining inspiration and how to be influenced by other artists and artworks to explore your creativity. 

 RATIONALE: I really enjoyed reading this book. Recently, I found myself having artist's block and feeling sort of in a "rut" when it came to my artwork. I hadn't felt inspired or motivated to create art for fun. Reading this book helped give me a new perspective and made me feel excited about being creative.  

DESCRIPTION: For my second Pal 1, I attended University Galleries and looked at the exhibition Beyond the Norm which featured a broad range of artworks and artists. 

RATIONALE: Every time I visit University Galleries, I leave feeling so inspired. Attending this exhibition was no different. Getting to see artworks in person is so much more touching and meaningful than viewing them through a screen. One artist's work that stood out to me was Hannah March Sanders and the books she created. Her Woman's ABC Book was my favorite piece of the exhibit.  

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

DESCRIPTION: For my first Pal 2, I crocheted a handbag and posted it on an online market called Depop. Somebody ended up buying the bag so I packaged it and shipped it to the customer. 

RATIONALE: I displayed professionalism by packaging and shipping out the handbag in a timely manner. I ended up making 20 dollars and now somebody out there has a piece of my art. 

DESCRIPTION: For my second Pal 2, I posted my artwork online to an Instagram I created for sharing my art. The piece was a sculpture I made for my Sculpture 1 course. In addition, I shared the post on my other social media so it would reach more people. 

 RATIONALE: I felt really proud of this particular sculpture. I had spent a lot of time on it and I wanted to put it out there. I shared it on my Instagram and then on my other social media to help establish myself as an artist within my communities. 

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